Posts by El blanko

  • slimboyfat

    I still think it might be the truth - what is wrong with me?

    by slimboyfat in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    apostate literature - i have read the lot.

    you name it - c of c, gentile times reconsidered, thirty tears a watchtower slave, the orwellian world of jehovah's witness, apocalypse delayed, and the freeminds and watchtower observer sites, so on and so on.

    and i have been reading the posts on this site regularly pretty much since it started, and hourglass before it.

    1. slimboyfat
    2. The Quiet One
    3. steve2
  • El blanko
    El blanko

    Are we sure that this thread is a valid way to spend a day?

    It seems as though our friend is uncertain of his own pathway. He also claims to have read lots and lots of material over the years and it is doubtful he will listen to any old news on this thread, as he knows it all

    Its fun to watch the threads expand though.

    I find it interesting that lots appear to be jumping upon this thread to comment. Maybe we are simply defending our own ideologies?

  • slimboyfat

    I still think it might be the truth - what is wrong with me?

    by slimboyfat in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    apostate literature - i have read the lot.

    you name it - c of c, gentile times reconsidered, thirty tears a watchtower slave, the orwellian world of jehovah's witness, apocalypse delayed, and the freeminds and watchtower observer sites, so on and so on.

    and i have been reading the posts on this site regularly pretty much since it started, and hourglass before it.

    1. slimboyfat
    2. The Quiet One
    3. steve2
  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Apostates on this site pretty much admit that one main reason they left was because they did not want to live up to Bible standards (please don't eat me alive for saying this - it is true)

    That appears to be the case with certain individuals and for a time, believe me, I decided to turn my life over to drugs and a few other vices. But then, I examined myself and decided to clean up my act in light of the standards I believed in within my heart.

    Others leave for scriptural reasons and I do not think Ray Franz left because of breaking Bible principles. I also read CF with great interest and read about 2/3's of CoC (before growing tired of the material - I had read enough basically).

    You have sadly made a broad generalization and have fallen into the overtly judgemental mindset (very JW infact).

    The UN thing - so what if the Witnesses joined the UN, what's the big deal?

    I had to sit through the study of "Revelation: Its Climax At Hand" - as I am sure you have. You know that being affiliated with the UN is a big deal, according to this book and other publications!

    Saying all of this though, I do understand how you feel and I wish you all the best in your personal journey.

  • mjl

    Free will?

    by mjl in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    we are taught that jeh.

    created all of us as free moral agents.

    meaning we are able to decide to serve him or not to.

    1. Qcmbr
    2. frankiespeakin
    3. zen nudist
  • El blanko
    El blanko
    do humans have free will?

    Certainly, we have freedom of thought and the ability to work towards putting those thoughts into action.

    We cannot physically fly, yet observe nature and the mechanics of flight and then conceptualize a flying machine; moving towards an objective solution to our dreams.

    I could stab you in the eye with my pen, yet in my heart I feel sadness and in my mind understand the consequences for doing so. I choose not to based around these reasons of heart and mind.

    Yet within my mind at least I am a free moral agent and have - free will (if I choose).

  • diamondblue1974

    Evolution & Creation... can they co-exist as theories?

    by diamondblue1974 in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i am not a scientist so i do bow to others superior knowledge on this site regarding these subjects (and welcome their input) but what is to stop these two theories both being proven so that they both apply to our origins.. what is to stop a creator creating evolution as a process just as a creator would create the laws of physics etc?

    it would be akin to starting the ball rolling in creation terms and letting it carry on until the highest lifeform is present.

    could scientific theory support this view perhaps?.

    1. diamondblue1974
    2. Midget-Sasquatch
    3. Abaddon
  • El blanko
    El blanko
    If they do exist, they also evolved as part of the ongoing processes within this universe, and were not necessarily responsible for our origins or subsequent evolution.

    I have a problem in my mind. My brain hurts when I try to wrestle with the concept of an eternal evolving organism.

    I prefer to believe that one item amongst this mass has always been a constant. God if you like. Always there, always has been, always will be.

    I also believe in one aspect of the whole being united within itself and not being reliant upon any other fraction, to form unity.

    I also believe that this one aspect is the whole. Go figure!

    Now, how we individually define God is a matter of great debate - obviously

  • diamondblue1974

    Evolution & Creation... can they co-exist as theories?

    by diamondblue1974 in
    1. watchtower
    2. beliefs

    i am not a scientist so i do bow to others superior knowledge on this site regarding these subjects (and welcome their input) but what is to stop these two theories both being proven so that they both apply to our origins.. what is to stop a creator creating evolution as a process just as a creator would create the laws of physics etc?

    it would be akin to starting the ball rolling in creation terms and letting it carry on until the highest lifeform is present.

    could scientific theory support this view perhaps?.

    1. diamondblue1974
    2. Midget-Sasquatch
    3. Abaddon
  • El blanko
    El blanko
    It is sort of like 'a falling tree in a forest makes no 'sound' until there are entities capable of processing the vibration of air molecules'.

    Yet I am of the mind that thinks the tree does actually make a sound. Just because I am not there, does not mean to say that there is 'no noise' associated with the event.

    Ahem ...anyway

    The consensus of subjective realities defines objective reality.

    That depends my friend. At birth I was projected into this material universe and soaked it all up with my senses. I grew and learnt to understand my environment as I developed.

    Maybe it has always been that way?

    There is nothing subjective about the environment, it is there as a guide to our senses.

    I suppose you refer to conceptualizing when you mention objectivity, rather than the fundamental nature of our joint experience?

    The development of intelligence (as we generally define it) has produced a capacity to appreciate the wonder of the universe that did not exist before.

    It could be argued that the ancients were wiser and closer to the land and had just as much (if not more) appreciation than do we. Afterall, our learning and intelligence has created a dire situation for the environment we currently exist in.

    There is no evidence that suggests that our ancestors were necessarily moronic.

    Whilst they had their 'so-called' myths & Gods and felt humbled collectively, we in the West (for the main part) place ourselves as Gods and strap a yoke of fear over the rest of creation (or evolution if that word stings).

    At least, that is the way I see it.

    I watched a TV program the other night about the canopy over the rain forest region of South America. It was fascinating to watch. Yet knowing in my head how life interacts at a minute level, does little for my heart.

    Now, I have never been to a rain forest, yet visit my local woods during the summer months each year.

    When I enter the woods, my heart is lifted intuitively by the surroundings. The great poets do not capture the feeling, nor the great artists. The interplay upon my senses is a wonder and goes far beyond my ability to facsimile.

    The less I reason, the more my heart connects.

    ... and that for me is:
